Do you know your birth moon phase?

The Moon orbits the Earth in a cycle lasting about 28 days. This cycle includes multiple phases known as the Lunar Phases. Each phase occurs in direct proportion to the illumination of the Moon as it reflects the light of the Sun. This cycle from dark to light and then back into darkness is what we can visibly see., but there is much more going on.

​During each phase, you experience certain energetic themes that influence not only your daily life but also can speak to your inherent personality characteristics and soul's purpose.

You can easily calculate your birth moon phase by looking for a moon phase calendar for the month/year you were born or using an online software like this one.

New Moon Birth Phase

Born on or within ~ 3 days of the New Moon

Your typical personal characteristics are: a strongly subjective, emotional and impulsive approach to life and to everything that attracts your attention.

You are magnetic with a strong will and independent nature.

Your soul operates in a spontaneous, unplanned way. Setting out on a new path in this life.

There is a desire to take risks and be courageous in doing what sets your soul on fire.

Waxing Crescent Birth Phase

Born ~ 4 to 7 days after the New Moon

Your typical personal characteristics are: determined self-assertiveness, active faith, the eager desire to carry out an inwardly felt command and to clear the way for the fulfilling of new goals.

Your soul is struggling out of past-life patterns and insecurities. Often times encounter many souls from other lives. There is a need to take a new approach in this life. Old ways no longer serve your soul’s growth.

Be confident in your skills, gifts, etc.

First Quarter Birth Phase

Born ~ 8 -10 days after the New Moon

Your typical personal characteristics are: strong organizational skills and the ability to make decisions to get things done. You have a desire for managing and/or mentoring people.

You are good at reforming old structures that are no longer needed. You may encounter resistance and crisis from people around you. There is a need to learn to flow with these experiences, as these people are helping you to grow.

Outwardly blocked by people and events in order to push you on the correct path. Face your fears and confront challenges with a brave heart.

Waxing Gibbous Birth Phase

Born ~ 11 – 15 days after the New Moon

Your typical personal characteristics are: a desire to improve yourself and others, to evaluate things and people, and to handle tangible symbols of value.

Deep need for soul growth in this lifetime as you can have a bit of anxiety due to the pressure to get things right.

Over-analytical at times. A need to flow and trust that you are learning and growing.

Full Moon Birth Phase

Born on the Full Moon to ~ 3 days after or ~ 15 to 18 days after a New Moon.

Your typical personal characteristics are: mental objectivity, the ability to manifest, to receive illumination or "visions" and to give them symbolic expression to fulfill the past.

You are learning to think before you act, in order to see how your actions affect others. By thinking this way, you are fulfilling karmic obligations through people.

Often experience difficulties in relationships as you learn there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Will often seek solitude when you feel too much.

Waning Gibbous Birth Phase

Born ~4 to 7 days after the Full Moon.

Your typical personal characteristics are: the ability to demonstrate to others what you have learned or envisioned, to disseminate ideas, to participate in social movements and to fight for what you believe in.

You need to share what you have found to be meaningful and also help promote the ideas of others.

Can create air-like qualities (social) in order to spread the word of what is important to you.

Last Quarter Birth Phase

Born ~ 7 to 11 days after the Full Moon

Your typical personal characteristics are: the ability to manage and organize people, the eagerness to change people's beliefs and to reform and transform your own, to work hard toward some future goal regardless of the immediate results.

You are going through a crisis of consciousness “Who am I?” , “What do I believe in” in order to reorient your thinking/beliefs.

Need to let go of what is not working (outdated) for your soul's growth.

Waning Crescent Birth Phase

Born ~ 4 days before the New Moon.

Your typical personal characteristics are: an eagerness to serve the collective consciousness and to bring the past to a conclusion. You often have prophetic gifts and a strong sense of personal destiny.

You are learning to share your personal resources with others in order to be of benefit to the collective.

Often times drawn to the spiritual world in order to know about your karma and the meaning of life.

If you want to learn more about your Moon placement and phase in your birth chart, take my Understanding Your Moon workshop! 

This workshop is meant for anyone who is looking to better understand their Moon sign, phase, and house placement to gain a deeper level of self-awareness and emotional well-being. Only $27 with instant access to the self-paced materials. 

OR if you want to go deeper to explore your past life astrology, take my Unlock Your Path to Purpose course! This course explores your past lives and soul purpose as seen through your birth chart.


When is the best time to book an Astrology reading?


New Moon in Cancer Ritual