“Life is a journey from the head to the heart.”

Robert Schwartz, Your Soul’s Plan

I am a compassionate and soulful guide who lives aligned with the cosmos

I value a life where I am always learning and expanding my perspective

I speak my truth and inspire others to do the same

I root into my emotions and believe that being vulnerable is the bravest thing you can ever be

I express my joy for life through adventure, love, and self-expression

I serve through collaboration and connection

I love and accept myself and others unconditionally

I transform my mind, body, and soul by stepping into my authentic power

I teach in order to foster soul growth and evolution

I lead from the heart

I hope to bring about positive change in the world

I believe that life is purposeful

I am…

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The work that I do is not a job but a life purpose. It is what my soul has chosen for me in this life and it can be seen in my birth chart. I am a Libra Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Aquarius Rising. And so much more…

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It’s written in my stars.


Consulting Astrologer for over 10 years

Past Life Soul Regression Practitioner

Director of the Integrative Health Program- RRCC

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher E-RYT

Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Public Health