When is the best time to book an Astrology reading?

Astrology is centered around timing, starting with the moment you were born, which sets the stage for your cosmic blueprint, also known as your birth chart. The cyclical pattern of transits also influences the timing of significant events or changes in your life. You have probably heard the saying, "Timing is everything," which is just as true in astrology.

Each time I meet with a client, they often tell me that it feels like the perfect time to sit down with me to validate their current experience or help them navigate their intuitive nudges for what they think is unfolding in their life. That is because astrology is always happening within and around us, all the time.

It is not just a one-off reading where someone tells you what to do or solves your problems (sorry, I know), but a tool of empowerment and awareness to make this life easier and more exciting. We chose this human experience; let’s have some fun with it!

Okay, I digress, back to the question.

So, when is the best time to get an astrology reading? There is an easy answer to this… at any time, but I know you want more, so I created my top 5 list of the best time(s) to get an astrology reading. Here we go…

  1. Your Birthday! Of course, this will be my number one answer, as this is the most important day in your life when creating your birth chart. In addition, your birthday marks the starting point of a new yearly cycle that is unique to you and highlights the themes and areas of focus for the upcoming year. It is your own New Year, making it the perfect time to get a year ahead reading.

  2. While healing. Astrology is the perfect addition to your toolkit wherever you are on your healing journey. Whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing you need, it provides validation to your experience and support on how to move forward. I started working with my birth chart during my healing crisis, and look at me now.

  3. When you have a major decision to make. Have you ever felt disconnected from your intuition and confused about what is right for you? Astrology can help. It can re-align you to your inner wisdom and empower you to make the right choice.

  4. When you are trying to find the right time to do something. Astrology has ancient roots as a predictive technique. It can help you pick the best date/timeframe to get your desired outcome and avoid the wrong timing, like those pesky Mercury retrograde.

  5. When you feel called to. I know this is a cop-out answer, but it’s true! Trust the divine timing of life. There is a reason you are drawn to work with astrology at certain times in your life, even if you don’t resonate with the list above. Listening to the nudges can open up wonderful things in your life.

I hope this list was helpful and that it finds you when you need that nudge. I would love to connect and work with you. You can explore more about the astrology readings I offer and see what calls to you.



Do you know your birth moon phase?