Neptune transits to your birth chart

Neptune is the planet of deep spiritual wisdom that goes beyond the human condition.

It is the unconscious urge to dissolve the boundaries of your human ego and connect to the collective consciousness.

To realize that you and I are the same. A soul in a human body on a spiritual journey.

It knows no bounds and therefore the placement of Neptune in your birth chart is where your are the most energetically sensitive.

It takes Neptune 164 years to orbit around the Sun.

Which equates to Neptune spending 14 years in a sign and house in your birth chart.

Neptune transits to your natal planets can last about two years and vary based on your birth chart.

Neptune to natal Neptune transits occur around the ages of 26-28, 40-42,  and 55-57 for everyone.

Whether Neptune is making a transit to one of your personal planets or your natal Neptune, these are some deeply impactful transits in your life.

Neptune has a way of blurring the line between yourself and others. Making you very vulnerable to the energies you encounter.

The purpose of these transits are for you to realize that there is more to life than you can "see". That trying to control the outcome of your life will only create more struggle.

There is a need to surrender and trust the process of this life and to go within to connect with the true essence of your soul.

To dissolve the ego and bring more compassion to  your human experience.

Neptune transits can often bring a desire to retreat/rest and heightened empathy.

In the end, you emerge more connected to your soul with the ability to feel the truth of this life and all you experience. 

Neptune will be transiting through 18-23 degrees of Pisces this year.

If you have any natal planets/angles in your birth chart between 18-23 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces you are experiencing a Neptune transit in 2021.

How this will show up for you depends on the planet/angle Neptune is transiting and other factors in your birth chart.

Take time to rest and reconnect with yourself. Protect your energy and open up to spirit.

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What’s your elemental nature based on astrology?


How to pull your birth chart (for free) online