Where you best express yourself based on the house position of your Sun.

In astrology, the Sun represents the vital force that drives you to seek the highest expression of your soul.

The house placement of your Sun in the birth chart represents:

  • Where you best express your identity.

  • Where you seek to shine.

  • The area of life which vitalizes you and is essential to your sense of well-being.

Find the Sun in your birth chart and keep reading…

Sun in the 1st house: strong presence/style noticed by others. Creates a magnetism of sorts. Natural leadership abilities. Self-actualization vs. overemphasis on ego.

Sun in the 2nd house: strong desire for material security and life is often connected to making money and gaining possessions. Strong values.

Sun in the 3rd house: strong need to learn and share knowledge with others. Curiosity drives your soul. Speaking and writing capabilities.

Sun in the 4th house: strong desire to build a foundation centered around home and family. Nurturing abilities. Influenced by parents/childhood.

Sun in the 5th house: strong desire for self-expression and pleasure. Motivated by your inner child (or desire for children). Natural leader and ability to shine.

Sun in the 6th house: strong desire to be of service and take care of yourself (and others) through daily wellness routines. Identity often tied to work.

Sun in the 7th house: strong desire to connect with others and to find balance within relationships. Identity often tied to partnership.

Sun in the 8th house: strong desire for deep connections and going beneath the surface. Natural researchers and therapists. Psychic quality.

Sun in the 9th house: strong desire to seek knowledge and growth through experiences. Natural teachers or publishers in order to share what they have learned.

Sun in the 10th house: strong desire to achieve goals and public recognition. Ambitious energy with a natural take charge attitude.

Sun in the 11th house: strong desire to connect with your friends/community, often connected to a social cause. Authentic expression is important to you.

Sun in the 12th house: strong desire to retreat and spend time exploring the psyche. Intuitive abilities and active dream world.

✨Want to learn more about your Sun and the other planetary placements in your birth chart?? Book a reading with me!


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