Astrology of Health: Cosmic Body Connection

From your birth chart to current planetary transits, all aspects of astrology play a role in your overall health and well-being. In this post I want to focus on the cosmic body connection and its impact on your physical health. 

Each planet is said to “rule” certain parts and functions of the human body. This concept dates back to ancient times when doctors were also astrologers and used this information to help diagnose and treat their patients. 

Times have changed but the cosmic body connection has not. 

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Just because a planet rules a certain body part or function DOES NOT mean that you will experience health issues within those areas of your body but it does provide guidance on what may need a little extra love and support, especially if that planet is afflicted in your birth chart or you are going through a hard transit.

Let me give you a personal example. In my birth chart I have my Mars conjunct my Neptune. Long story short, my adrenal glands (Mars) are naturally weakened (Neptune) and I am highly prone to stress-related issues. This placement also makes me very sensitive to drugs and alcohol. 

Knowing this I have taken steps in my diet and lifestyle to support my adrenals, such as removed coffee, I don’t drink much alcohol, added in adaptogens, and I focus on a clean well-balanced diet. 

Things were going well until transiting Neptune began to square my natal Mars. My energy plummeted and my adrenals started screaming for help. I knew it was time to seek a professional. 

So, I called up my friend and amazing doctor Nicole Huffman and started a new supplement regimen to give my body some love during this hard planetary transit that I will be going through into 2022. 

Now that is how to use astrology for your health!

Find out what you might be prone to, what current transits may be activating potential health issues, and then seek the expertise of a medical professional. 

love, light, and happy adrenals



The Healing Potential of Astrology


What’s your elemental nature based on astrology?